Because you won’t back down, I trust that there will be no new developments on Ugly Betty and Grey’s Anatomy for quite sometime meaning, I won’t be missing out. For this (and several other reasons) I am on your side. I know I’m not really a factor in your actions but I’m grateful all the same. ☺
Saturday’s are nice days in Morogoro. I have it pretty free to myself and after this visit to the internet café:

(that car is parked just to the left of the door)
I’ll head over to Ricky’s, that café with the cappuccinos! I also get to talk to my family on Saturdays. With an eleven hour time difference we sort of have to schedule these things.
Here’s a photo of my friend Neema. That baby is Mira-short for Miracle- Her parents are July and Shukuru. They both have been really welcoming, especially Shukuru who spent several days trying to help me to get my phone set up. Mira was born several weeks (more than a month I think) early; hence, her name.

Neema and I are having a bit of a skill exchange. She leads the sewing school and they sew on treadle machines, the ones that don’t use electricity, and she is going to teach me how to use them. In exchange I will teach her how to type. She is going to a computer school later this year and touched a computer for the first time in her life on Tuesday when she started a typing program on mine. She is 34....It was actually pretty cool. On the first day, she was having a lot of trouble and in one lesson made over 30 mistakes. We stopped and prayed and asked God to help her and the next lesson she had only two mistakes! She is very eager to learn and is not easily discouraged.
Please pray for one my new friends. I probably shouldn’t use his name just to be safe. He grew up in a muslim family, became a Christian about a year ago and his family is looking for him, trying to kill him! It’s the kind of thing that doesn’t seem like it happens in real life, but here it is.
Hi Ashley,
It's great to hear that you are getting settled in and having some fun along the way. You'll be a great teacher.
We had our fifth and final preview service for Vantage Point Church today and Mark was awesome as always. We are kicking off three additional servant evangelism projects leading up to our grand opening service Feb. 10th. God is at work in Eastvale and we will be his hands and feet.
Be well and God Bless - Jim
Hi Ashley,
We did have a great day yesterday. No gremlins! Everything went smoothly even though we didn't get to set up on Saturday. It was great to see that we could actually get it all together on Sunday morning. A lot of people asked about you and are praying for you Ashley.
We will continue to pray for your friend's safety. I can't even imagine what it must be like to fear your own family.
You are amazing Ashley and dad and I are so proud of you. Talk to you Saturday.
Well, you are not going to miss anything on Greys or Ugly Betty for a while, but LOST does start back up on Jan. 31st! However- I really don't think that the work you are doing now and the experience you are having can compare to any of these shows. :)
I miss you my friend and am praying for you and the people you are with.
News update: There are four couples in church expecting babies!! I think I told you about Sandra and her husband but not sure. Also.. Kenny and his wife!! I can't remember the names of the other couples, but I will check the bulletin and let you know.
Other than that not a whole lot going on. Work has started on the kitchen and that has been going well. They were supposed to pay $700 for tiles and when they went to pick them up they were on clearance for like $53 or something. God is good.
THis is getting long, I should have just sent an email:)
Love you friend, *Janet
I love all the photos you've been posting. It's great to be able to see the places you are talking about!
What a great name, Mira. I love that! I'm glad things are going so well.
And don't worry, you can always catch the episodes you miss on the web! They keep them on there forever.
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