Friday, February 8, 2008

I need a hug!

Another tough week this one....There was a lot of fun with a couple of Norwegian visitors (have I written about them? I'm not sure....)who have been here looking to find out if this is a place they can come for some long term missionary work. It has been great to hang out with them and Elfrid was a huge help in our preparations for the English School.....
ahh... the English School......
On Wednesday I found out that the Korean girl who was planning to come teach with me will not, in fact, be coming. Of course we found this out right after I had just conducted a second round of interviews with students I now have no places for. I'm a bit desperate for some ideas as to what I should do. For the moment we've created a waiting list and are still hoping for another teacher but the school is less than two weeks away...
I'm also really beginning to feel the total lack of physical contact! At home I'm very used to lots of hugs and kisses from my friends and family and here the most I get is an occaisonal handshake or the common greeting of "hugging" where you kind of lean in and touch opposite shoulders. I need a REAL HUG!


We are not getting too much news about what is going on in neighboring Kenya and it seems like that might be intentional. I have heard today from a friend who had a visitor that grew up in Kenya and had passed through on his way here that things there are actually MUCH worse than anyone knows. It seems that the president is doing his best to keep reporters out and to not let the real story get out especially to the west. This visitor said that as he drove through Kenya they went down one road where there were peoples heads on poles stuck into the ground. I can barely write that it is so awful. This is all too reminiscient of things that have gone on in neighboring Uganda and Rwanda. Please please please pray for this nation. Just trust that you are not recieving the full story and that you NEED to pray.


Anonymous said...

My precious Ashley,
I can't tell you how badly I wish I could reach thru the internet and give you one of those "OK mom enough is enough LET GO OF ME" airport hugs right now.I'm sorry you are having another disappointing week. I wish I had some profound bit of wisdom to give you but quite frankly, right now I am just very sad. All I can offer is my prayers. I will pray that God will cover you with peace and the comfort that only He can give. I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow. Stay safe my sweet one. I love you TONS,
"I can do all things thru Him who gives me strength."

GrammyG said...

I can not even imagine what it is like for you over there, so far away from home, and hearing all those horrific things happening all around you. Know that you have a glorious strength and through all the prayers you will not only endure but prosper. HE has enveloped you and will carry you through this mission. You have so much to offer, and so much love to share.
Many many HUGS, and always all our prayers.
Love you,
Aunt Ilene

Anonymous said...

Hi Ashley,

I have copied a prayer for you during this difficult time in your journey. We love you and God loves you. God Bless you Ashley you are in our prayers.

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - Shirley Hile Powell

Let not your heart be troubled,
Give your worries and cares to Me.
I am your Heavenly Father
Who suffered and died for thee.
There are times throughout your Earthly life
When you are filled with doubts and fear.
Always come to Me in prayer
And know that I am near.
The love I have for you, dear child,
Can never be bought or measured.
It's a gift I freely give to you.
It is My most precious treasure.
When sorrow or pain come your way
And life seems to be unfair,
Let not your heart be troubled...
Just come to Me in prayer.

Angela said...

Consider yourself cyber hugged! I know how much it aches to be seperated from the ones you love. I pray that God will bless you with unforgetable relationships quickly and bless your time there beyond your wildest imagination.

Praying for you!


Anonymous said...

When I was in college and single and missing my family, I am embarrased to say that I would sometimes get a manicure because yes, you do miss physical contact with other people. I can't give you a manicure (trust me, you wouldn't want me to) but I can tell you that we miss you here in good old Diamond Bar. Virtual hugs are not the same, but maybe they count a little bit. I know you weren't asking for hugs, but seriously, I'll pray God will bring a big, strong, HANDSOME, man to Tanzania who wants to find a cute girl from America to hug. Will he be rich? Will he be from the US? I don't know. But I'll pray that he will be clean and smell like home.
This is one of the wierdest comments I've ever written.
Take care!
Jill Marquez

CrashleyRose said...

and one the weirdest I have ever received.... ha ha thanks jill!!