Monday, March 10, 2008


I'm going on safari!!!! Thursday the team from Norway is going to Mikumi, the park nearby here and I get to tag along. This is great for so many reasons, first of all, I will have something good to say when my mother asks if I've seen any animals yet (for some reason, cows, goats, dogs, and mosqitoes don't peak her interest), second, it will be great to go with the team rather than by myself. You can end up spending large amounts of time just driving around and seeing nothing so to be with a group is a good thing.

I also found out that I am definitely able to go to Zanzibar over Easter holiday so I'm really excited about that. Bev and I are starting to plan things and I think it's going to be amazing.

School is going well. The students are starting to get to more challenging material so it's been a more difficult week this week but I am so impressed with their commitment to learn. Ah when I came to town yesterday I had a good and thoughtful blog planned out but there was no electricity and now I'm afraid it's gone out of my head completely.

It looking like once again, God is tying things up at the very last minute. As of sunday I will be in Tanzania illegally so we have been praying like crazy for my work permit to come through in time and today they are supposed to go to pay for it. You can pray that everything will wrap up nicely and it will arrive in time to get to immigration on friday so that I'm not an outlaw.


Nancy said...

FINALLY!! I can't wait to hear all about your adventure on Saturday when we talk. Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Ashley,

It's been a while since we have posted a comment on your blog, but we read them all. You are amazing and your ability to stay focused and continue to trust in the Lord make you very special and God has and will continue to bless you. We love you and your walk. God Bless

The Bostic's said...

Hi Ashley,

The access to your blog changed, so the last comment came up as anonymous, but that was from us.

Anonymous said...

ashley my love! it's myra! sorry i have been MIA...i was finally able to catch up on all of your blogs. you are on MY hero list. the waking up at 645 was enough to get you near the top! LOL
i am amazed at all of the hard work you are doing so selflessly. sounds like your spirts are staying high. you are such a rock star. i'll keep you and your friends and students in my thoughts. can't wait to hear about your safari. think of me when you see a giraffe! i heart them.

Angela said...

What great adventures!!! It's so wonderful to read that you are finding your place and purpose where God has you right now.