Saturday, September 13, 2008

just a little one...

The BEST thing that happened to me today? I got a ride to the train station at 10:20 and said hopefully, "Well maybe the 10:19 train will be running ten minutes late because of the rain?" Everyone in the car laughed at my optimism but guess what pulled up at exactly 10:29! So I got to celebrate my friend Amanda's birthday AND my 8 year NY anniversary after all...

Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm back...

So, after some gentle prodding from a few people, (apparently someone actually reads this thing) I'm blogging again....
It comes at an interesting time as I'm on the cusp of what has proven to be a very contemplative two days for me. Writing at 1 am on September 12 puts me at this strange moment between September 11--which is a weighty day on its own--and the 12th--which is the anniversary of my move to NY in 2000...a moment fraught with introspection and self-evaluation most of which I'll spare you...

What I can share is this.... As I sat on the sofa the other day while a late summer storm battered my windows listening to some music and knitting, I just had to shout out to my friends Bini and Dominic, who just moved here from Germany, "I love my life!" Early on in Tanzania, God was speaking to me about when Jesus said "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." (John 10.10) That this is what I am really living and having... a full and abundant life! I am so thankful for it! I find myself being grateful for the huge things and the simple things and just when I start to get crazy about something that's not going my way, I'm thrown a giant dose of perspective and can find a way to be thankful for and even enjoy, for example, the three hours it is taking me to get home from work these days..... (OK.. sometimes....)
When annoyances like that are tempered with things like the awesome lunch I had with Kelly and Kelly today, our imminent Urban Camping adventure (more on that later), and the flood of great things God is about to unleash on the city, I can truly say that I am so happy to be here, now.....
(but I still might move to Chile.....hahahahahahaaaaaaaaa)